Data Sources Help

We have partnered with several leading endurance sport services and a handful of 3rd parties.

Our analytics are powered by more than just the data we have access to via our Strava API relationship

  1. Strava: Strava allows us to analyze HR, Bike Power and Run Power (see workarounds). We get majority of our users through Strava and have insights unique to that platform.
  2. Garmin Connect: This relationships allows you to authorize to receieve your raw workout files straight from the device. This unlocks several key features within outlined on our insights help page.
  3. TrainingPeaks: While we don't as yet integrate with TrainingPeaks, we've executed an agreement to calculate and leverage there trademarked variables in our service.
  4. Dark Sky: We use Dark Sky to forecast and observe the weather from your performance metrics.

Coming Soon these sources will augment our library of factors.

  1. Biostrap: We'll seen offer beta authorization and web hook integration with biostrap, a startup with a Sensor & App that measures HRV, SpO2, Sleep, etc.
  2. Apple Health: Once we get the Android version done we're going to circle back to Apple Health Integration
  3. Google Fit: Will come after Apple Health is complete.